
CAD-software Target16 -New version - Better Layout - faster to market

Product image from the company Solectro AB - CAD-software Target16 -New version - Better Layout - faster to market

All functions you wish to apply to your projectSchematicSimulationLayoutAutorouter3D ViewFrontpaneldesign are saved in one single database. There are no separate schematic and board files.

You can decide for a project with or without schematic. Select from 35K+ components which you have locally on your PC. Take advantage of the free component server for updates. Custom components can be drawn and be saved in individual libraries, existing components can be modified and saved under a new name.

Each edition of TARGET 3001! always supplies all program modules. Schematic adjustments can be viewed in the layout and vice versa in realtime. Each project in each edition can have at least 2 copper layers and up to 100 schematic pages. The measurements of schematic page or board can have up to 1,2m x 1,2m (=DinA 0) = 47.24 x 47.24 in.

TARGET 3001! supports RoHS-compatible design. No CAD data of an ancient board available? Use the TARGET 3001! Reverse Engineering. The isolation milling of single or double sided layouts is based completely on dialogs and easy and quick to be handled. The generation of all GERBER-data in TARGET 3001! is done on button click.



Information about the company: Solectro AB

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