Legal name: HellermannTyton Aktiebolag sivuliike Suomessa
Vantaa, Southern Finland
We market a wide range of electronic compnents from leading manfacturers, in their special segment. We supply both standard and customized solutions.
Hollola, Southern Finland
Askalon AB has been working since 1973 to improve process industry applications. Today we are 100 engineers, project leaders and service technicians with competence in valves, valve service and valve...
Hammaro, Värmland County
Partille, Västra Götaland County
Skodsborg, Capital Region of Denmark
We are a trading company with 11 fulltime employees. We supply solutions and components for telecom, datacom, fibre optics and surveillance. We operate as agent, Master Distributer or Master VAR and...
Glostrup, Capital Region of Denmark
Farum, Capital Region of Denmark