
TrainTalk™ 2W GSM-R communication system

Product image from the company Malux Sweden AB - TrainTalk™ 2W GSM-R communication system

The TrainTalk™ system sets a new standard for reliable railway communication. This cost-efficient 2W-system, offers quick and flexible installation for engines and other vehicles throughout the railway area. It is designed for easy installation in existing or new engine fleets.

Plug n'' Talk solution; The installation of a TrainTalk™ module has been made so easy that it is just plug in and talk, says Hans-Olov Sondell (salestechnician GSM-R solutions at Malux).

The TrainTalk kit has a modular design, which enables the system to be optimally installed in a variety of railway cabs, of different generations, as well as in maintenance vehicles in the railway area, says Hans-Olov.

Quality and EU-standards; The GSM-R TrainTalk™ is designed for reliable railway communication. Therefore all components are meeting higher industry standards and of course the TrainTalk system is designed is compliant with the EN 50121-3-2 (2006) and EN 50121-4 (2006) standards.

Flexible and cost efficient; If the TrainTalk™ enclosure does not suit the application in its original state, components such as phone or cradle, volume control, PTT-button and handset can be installed separately as free-standing units, making TrainTalk installation very flexible. The TrainTalk product range also includes an enclosure for rack installation! 

GSM-R handsets; While originally designed for Sagem TiGR 350/550R GSM-R phones, the TrainTalk system can also be modified for other GSM-R phones. Other cradles are available on demand.

Installation and service friendly; The TrainTalk™ is an installation and service friendly concept; because all parts are changeable (quick connectors) and only a short stop is needed for installation or service.

Reference: The Finnish railway organization VR-Group Ltd has in use since middle of 2010 approx. 1.280 pcs of TrainTalk™ GSM-R communication devices in their railway engines and maintenance vehicles on the railway area. http://www.malux.fi/fi/traintalk/index.html

Visit our stand at Nordic Rail, Jonkoping Sweden, 4-6 october 2011.


Pressmeddelandet på Svenska: Nyhet! TrainTalk™ GSM-R plattformen är utformad för att skapa säkrare järnvägskommunikation. - Vår 2W Plug & Talk lösning är smidig att installera i alla fordon som går på räls, säger Hans-Olov Sondell (försäljningsansvarig för GSM-R lösningar på Malux). 

Modular installation; Våra TrainTalk™ kit har en modulär design, vilket gör att systemet kan installeras i en mängd olika slags tåghytter och servicefordon, oberoende vilken generation av rälsfordon det gäller, säger Hans-Olov. 

Kvalitet och EU-standard; Vår GSM-R-plattform TrainTalk™  uppfyller EN 50121-3-2 (2006) och EN 50121-4 (2006) och sedan vi startade vårt arbete med plattformen har bla. den finska järnvägsorganisation VR-Group AB installerat ca.1,280 st TrainTalk™ i sina lok och rälsfordon. -TrainTalk™ konceptet är utvcecklat tillsammans med kunder inom tågbranschen, avslutar Hans-Olov Sondell.

Information about the company: Malux Sweden AB

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